SIGNIFICATOR: (This is you and/or what you have been doing or the first thing you need to know about the situation.)
Five of Swords
Five of Swords → This card represents a sort of hollow victory. Someone stole your mate or took your soul, and they may be gloating about it. Classic frenemy move. If this was you that did this to someone else–tsk, tsk. Empty victory. Dishonor. Loss. Betrayal by friend. The Nah, Nah, Nah Card.
ATMOSPHERE: (This is the issue.)
Page of Swords
Page of Swords → Some unexpected news is coming. This is just the message so whether it is good or bad depends on other cards. Unexpected news. The running with scissors card.
BRIDGE OR BLOCK: (This is who or what is helping you or getting in the way.)
The World 21
The World 21 → If your relationship is ending, it’s in a very good way. If you are going into a relationship, it’+s in a very AT LAST way. Reaching a natural conclusion. Successful completion. Shared success. Recognition. Long-distance travel. Harmony. Completion and closure.
PAST: (This is what happened in the past that relates directly to your situation.)
The Fool 0
The Fool 0 → Going forward without regard to consequences. A new and completely different adventure. A strong desire for freedom. The novice. A fresh start.
PRESENT: (This is what is going on now about this situation.)
Page of Pentacles
Page of Pentacles → A messenger about a new job, activity, or money coming your way. Small financial gain. An ambitious young person. Success in study and career. Management skills. Materialist.
NEAR FUTURE: (This is what is coming up soon.)
Nine of Wands
Nine of Wands → This is the card of fragile strength. You’ve been through a battle. You need to rest a while before your next trial, however, it will be an easier one. Gathering strength. Problems still to be dealt with. An uncomfortable wait.
FUTURE: (This is what is coming up a little further in the future.)
Four of Cups
Four of Cups → This is the QUIT COMPLAINING card. What you are seeking is already near you, Dorothy. Discontent. Weariness. Depression may cause the loss of a golden opportunity. Use it or lose it.
YOU NOW: (This is how you have been feeling.)
Three of Wands
Three of Wands → You’ve done enough internal work that an opportunity that wouldn’t have noticed before will present itself. Birth of an enterprise. Planned travel. Commerce. Established strength.
ENVIRONMENT: (This is how your family, friends, and/or co-workers feel about your situation.)
Five of Cups
Five of Cups → There is a hurt that must be dealt with before things can get happier. Disappointment. Crying over spilt milk. There has been loss, but there is gold that remains.
HOPES AND FEARS: (This is the best and or worst that can happen.)
Seven of Pentacles
Seven of Pentacles → You’ve done the internal work. Good job! Soon you will be rewarded in some manner. Perseverance. Things will come in the fullness of time.
FINAL OUTCOME: (This is what can happen if things are left to their own accord.)
Nine of Pentacles
Nine of Pentacles → You are appreciating the finer things that you deserve. Self-reliance. A legacy. Unearned money. Material contentment. Rewards. Pleasure.
EXTRA: (How the Final Outcome will come about or what will follow the Final Outcome.)
Six of Pentacles
Six of Pentacles → You or someone coming into your life has a generous spirit. Joining them would be a good thing. Generosity. Gifts. Presents. Help at hand. Don’t let money pass through your fingers.
There are less than three Major Arcana cards. This means the situation requires more action on your part. Work your plan. You are not alone. Still follow your intuition.
There are 4 Pentacles cards. The more Pentacles there are in a reading, the more you will need to look at financial concerns. Yours or someone else’s money may help or control the situation.
There are several cards that indicate travel.
All cards are drawn by hand and read right-side up. This reading is for enlightenment purposes only. This website is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is here with the understanding that we are not engaged in rendering legal, medical, or other professional services. If legal advice, medical advice, or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.