SIGNIFICATOR: (This is you and/or what you have been doing or the first thing you need to know about the situation.) |
Ace of Wands → This is the start of the new you. Declare yourself to be an author, artist, adventurer, or whatever you desire. Act as if you already are. Raring to go. A new job or enterprise. Initiative. Ideas. Invention.
ATMOSPHERE: (This is the issue.) |
Ten of Swords → Some thing is coming to an end, and it won’t be pretty, but it will be over. When you are at the bottom, the only way to go is up. The bottom. The bloody end. Failure. Tears. Sadness. Illness. The worst is over.
BRIDGE OR BLOCK: (This is who or what is helping you or getting in the way.) |
Seven of Swords → Something dishonest may have taken place. Someone may be on the lam. Maybe you are leaving in a less than honest way. Holding cards to chest. Theft. Deceit. Trickery. Beware of an imposter.
PAST: (This is what happened in the past that relates directly to your situation.) |
Nine of Wands → This is the card of fragile strength. You’ve been through a battle. You need to rest a while before your next trial, however, it will be an easier one. Gathering strength. Problems still to be dealt with. An uncomfortable wait.
PRESENT: (This is what is going on now about this situation.) |
Seven of Cups → You’re putting too many things on your plate. Focus on a few key things and see if that doesn’t help the situation. Daydreams. Confusion. Distractions. Scattered Energies.
NEAR FUTURE: (This is what is coming up soon.) |
Ace of Pentacles → Your financial situation is being helped by the influx of some prosperity such as a promotion or salary increase, or possibly a new income source. Firm financial foundations. A golden opportunity. Abundance and improved financial prospects.
FUTURE: (This is what is coming up a little further in the future.) |
Ace of Swords → You are ready to attack this situation with great vigor. You have the right amount of edge to keep from getting hurt again. Smart. The power of intellect. Triumph of the will. The start of a forceful attitude.
YOU NOW: (This is how you have been feeling.) |
Three of Pentacles → The work you are doing is being so rewarded that it feels like play. A job well done. Skills appreciated. Esteem. Honor. Reward.
ENVIRONMENT: (This is how your family, friends, and/or co-workers feel about your situation.) |
Three of Swords → This card represents the broken heart. It was, it is, or it will be. This heart will need time to heal. Heartache. Division. Delay.
HOPES AND FEARS: (This is the best and or worst that can happen.) |
Ten of Wands → This could be too much of a good thing. You’ve been carrying around a burden, and you need to let go of it. It could end up making you ill. The burdens of success. Oppression. A burden that’s hard to carry. Overwork. Emotional pressure. Unpleasant news. If neighboring cards are favorable, this could mean success and good fortune. If not, it could indicate obstacles.
FINAL OUTCOME: (This is what can happen if things are left to their own accord.) |
Six of Swords → It gets better. It really does. Your battle is over. Sail off into calmer waters. Moving away from conflict. Escaping difficulties. Travel. Holiday.
EXTRA: (How the Final Outcome will come about or what will follow the Final Outcome.) |
The Star 17 → This card gives you permission to hope, and what you are hoping for is on the way. Hope. Inspiration. Goals. The expectations. Guiding force. Enlightenment. Bright prospects. Help from Above.
There are less than three Major Arcana cards. This means the situation requires more action on your part. Work your plan. You are not alone. Still follow your intuition. This reading created for 44456841. All cards are drawn by hand and read right-side up. This reading is for enlightenment purposes only. |