SIGNIFICATOR: (This is you and/or what you have been doing or the first thing you need to know about the situation.)
The High Priestess 2
The High Priestess 2 → This may represent a person who is mysterious and enchanting. She may have secrets or a secret may be revealed. Intuitive awareness. Intuition. Wisdom. Mysteries. Secrets. Tenacity.
ATMOSPHERE: (This is the issue.)
Knight of Cups
Knight of Cups → This is an imaginative person, warm and friendly. They may be the one or the messenger about the one. Artistic talent. New Relationship. The grail knight. Romantic. Imaginative. A message of love.
BRIDGE OR BLOCK: (This is who or what is helping you or getting in the way.)
King of Pentacles
King of Pentacles → This is a successful person that you admire, but look at their relationships before you follow their advice. Worldly success. Wealthy, intelligent man. Valor. Stability.
PAST: (This is what happened in the past that relates directly to your situation.)
Eight of Cups
Eight of Cups → One of you is feeling the need to move on. The magic doesn’t sparkle anymore, and you’re just done with it. Enough of this. A brave but difficult decision.
PRESENT: (This is what is going on now about this situation.)
Queen of Pentacles
Queen of Pentacles → This is a self-made person. They will advise you to do the same. A sensible approach. Serious, intelligent, motherly woman. Opulence. Security. Generosity.
NEAR FUTURE: (This is what is coming up soon.)
Seven of Wands
Seven of Wands → You are not in a position to be in a relationship. There’s just been too many things that have happened that hurt you or you didn’t feel right about. Stand your ground for a little while until things calm down. Holding firm. Winning against the odds. Overcoming the opposition. Getting on top of your troubles.
FUTURE: (This is what is coming up a little further in the future.)
Three of Wands
Three of Wands → You’ve done enough internal work that an opportunity that wouldn’t have noticed before will present itself. Birth of an enterprise. Planned travel. Commerce. Established strength.
YOU NOW: (This is how you have been feeling.)
The Hermit 9
The Hermit 9 → If you are just coming out of a relationship, you will need solace for a while to process out the toxicity. This card doesn’t predict a relationship, only that a light bulb will come on that will lead to one. Searching within. Prudence. A lonely spiritual quest. Treason. Caution. Inertia.
ENVIRONMENT: (This is how your family, friends, and/or co-workers feel about your situation.)
Five of Pentacles
Five of Pentacles → You’re not feeling good about your situation. Everyone has issues they must overcome or rise above. If you are struggling to overcome yours, you will need to seek out help. From the picture, go inside where it’s warm and light. Need for faith. Poverty and hardship. Material troubles. Entangled relationship. Spiritual poverty.
HOPES AND FEARS: (This is the best and or worst that can happen.)
The Fool 0
The Fool 0 → A fresh start. Going forward without regard to consequences. A new and completely different adventure. A strong desire for freedom. The novice.
FINAL OUTCOME: (This is what can happen if things are left to their own accord.)
Ten of Wands
Ten of Wands → This could be too much of a good thing. You’ve been carrying around a burden, and you need to let go of it. It could end up making you ill. The burdens of success. Oppression. A burden that’s hard to carry. Overwork. Emotional pressure. Unpleasant news. If neighboring cards are favorable, this could mean success and good fortune. If not, it could indicate obstacles.
EXTRA: (How the Final Outcome will come about or what will follow the Final Outcome.)
Ten of Swords
Ten of Swords → Some thing is coming to an end, and it won’t be pretty, but it will be over. When you are at the bottom, the only way to go is up. The bottom. The bloody end. Failure. Tears. Sadness. Illness. The worst is over.
There are 3 Major Arcana cards. This is significant. If there are three or more Major Arcana cards in a reading, that means that there is more Divine intervention in the situation. Do more allowing in this situation. Listen to your intuition. Things may appear to be meant to be.
There are 3 Wands cards. The more Wands there are in a reading, the more you will need to pay attention and observe the situation. Your ideas and research may help the situation.
There are 3 Pentacles cards. The more Pentacles there are in a reading, the more you will need to look at financial concerns. Yours or someone else’s money may help or control the situation.
This reading created for 4444590.
All cards are drawn by hand and read right-side up. This reading is for enlightenment purposes only.