Monday, March 7, 2022–446251411

Daily Reading


SIGNIFICATOR: (This is you and/or what you have been doing or the first thing you need to know about the situation.)
Seven of Pentacles
Seven of Pentacles
Seven of Pentacles → You’ve done the internal work. Good job! Soon you will be rewarded in some manner. Perseverance. Things will come in the fullness of time.

ATMOSPHERE: (This is the issue.)
Queen of Wands
Queen of Wands
Queen of Wands → This person is concerned about your outside activities. Like Mother Nature, she wants you to take care of Earth matters and find someone who wants to care for the Earth, too. An astute woman with a good business sense. Good balance of family and career.

BRIDGE OR BLOCK: (This is who or what is helping you or getting in the way.)
Six of Cups
Six of Cups
Six of Cups → This is the I WISH THINGS WERE THE WAY THEY WERE card. You’ll need to stop living in the past and move forward. Nostalgia. Childhood memories of friends bring happiness. Unconditional generosity.


PAST: (This is what happened in the past that relates directly to your situation.)
The Empress 3
The Empress 3
The Empress 3 → Your creativity will rescue you. Projects are abundant. Healing. Fertility. Mother. Help. Kindliness. Can indicate pregnancy. Project in progress.

PRESENT: (This is what is going on now about this situation.)
King of Swords
King of Swords
King of Swords → This person has been through many ordeals and tends to have a hard edge about them. They will give you stern, yet true advice. If you don’t want the unvarnished truth, don’t ask this person. Sound advice. Critical Man in authority. His decision is final. The answer is probably no.

NEAR FUTURE: (This is what is coming up soon.)
Knight of Swords
Knight of Swords
Knight of Swords → This person is dynamic and exciting. The energy of the room changes when they enter. Get ready to hold on tight. Sudden changes. Quick actions. A ruthless person.

FUTURE: (This is what is coming up a little further in the future.)
The Devil 15
The Devil 15
The Devil 15 → I don’t know what they are saying to your face, but they are jealous behind your back. Be careful with what you tell who. Pull in your trust for the time being. Bondage. Gossip. Self-imposed limitations. Anger. Jealousy. Violence. Greed. Deceit. Instinct. Sexual passion. Negative side of Social Media.


YOU NOW: (This is how you have been feeling.)
Ace of Cups
Ace of Cups
Ace of Cups → New love surrounds you. The stirring of the heart. The beginnings of emotional happiness. A new love or rekindling of a marriage. Joy. Contentment. Fertility.

ENVIRONMENT: (This is how your family, friends, and/or co-workers feel about your situation.)
Six of Wands
Six of Wands
Six of Wands → You are about to have a successful moment. Watch your mate at this time. Their reaction will tell you what you need to know. Victory. Good news. Support from others. Recognition. The Victory Card.

HOPES AND FEARS: (This is the best and or worst that can happen.)
Nine of Swords
Nine of Swords
Nine of Swords → You are at a very low point right now. You need time to heal. Overwhelment. Nightmares. Despair. Worry. Neurosis. Bad dreams. Pressing problems. Tends to spoil neighboring cards.

FINAL OUTCOME: (This is what can happen if things are left to their own accord.)
The Hierophant 5
The Hierophant 5
The Hierophant 5 → A meeting may occur in a place of worship with a like-minded group of people. Marriage. Good Advice. Religion. The Higher Self. Convention. Blessings. Orthodoxy. Sacred Activity. Belief is placed before knowledge. Proceed in a conventional manner.

EXTRA: (How the Final Outcome will come about or what will follow the Final Outcome.)
Four of Cups
Four of Cups
Four of Cups → This is the QUIT COMPLAINING card. What you are seeking is already near you, Dorothy. Discontent. Weariness. Depression may cause the loss of a golden opportunity. Use it or lose it.

There are 3 Major Arcana cards. This is significant. If there are three or more Major Arcana cards in a reading, that means that there is more Divine intervention in the situation. Do more allowing in this situation. Listen to your intuition. Things may appear to be meant to be.
There are 3 Cups cards. The more Cups there are in a reading, the more you will need love and imagination in this situation. Your emotions may help or control the situation.
There are 3 Swords cards. The more Swords there are in a reading, the more you will need strength or negotiation in the situation. There may be a call to action or a need to soothe a conflict.

All cards are drawn by hand and read right-side up. This reading is for enlightenment purposes only. This website is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is here with the understanding that we are not engaged in rendering legal, medical, or other professional services. If legal advice, medical advice, or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.