Monday, March 14, 2022–446322237

Daily Reading


SIGNIFICATOR: (This is you and/or what you have been doing or the first thing you need to know about the situation.)
Queen of Pentacles
Queen of Pentacles
Queen of Pentacles → This is a self-made person. They will advise you to do the same. A sensible approach. Serious, intelligent, motherly woman. Opulence. Security. Generosity.

ATMOSPHERE: (This is the issue.)
The Star 17
The Star 17
The Star 17 → This card gives you permission to hope, and what you are hoping for is on the way. Hope. Inspiration. Goals. The expectations. Guiding force. Enlightenment. Bright prospects. Help from Above.

BRIDGE OR BLOCK: (This is who or what is helping you or getting in the way.)
Queen of Swords
Queen of Swords
Queen of Swords → This person possesses the serenity of having survived many ordeals, and has achieved her wisdom through pain. They will listen to you and their advice will be true. Intelligence. Solitary. Experience teaches best.


PAST: (This is what happened in the past that relates directly to your situation.)
King of Pentacles
King of Pentacles
King of Pentacles → This is a successful person that you admire, but look at their relationships before you follow their advice. Worldly success. Wealthy, intelligent man. Valor. Stability.

PRESENT: (This is what is going on now about this situation.)
The Wheel of Fortune 10
The Wheel of Fortune 10
The Wheel of Fortune 10 → There are some things you are not meant to know. Get out there and take a chance. The random spin of the wheel will stop in your favor. A change for the better. The hand of fate. A turn for the better. Look. Destiny. Abundance.

NEAR FUTURE: (This is what is coming up soon.)
King of Cups
King of Cups
King of Cups → Your welfare is this person’s primary concern. They can be trusted, but they will always advise you to take the safest route like a father would. Compassion. Wise counsel. Sensitive and creative fatherly man.

FUTURE: (This is what is coming up a little further in the future.)
The Hierophant 5
The Hierophant 5
The Hierophant 5 → A meeting may occur in a place of worship with a like-minded group of people. Marriage. Good Advice. Religion. The Higher Self. Convention. Blessings. Orthodoxy. Sacred Activity. Belief is placed before knowledge. Proceed in a conventional manner.


YOU NOW: (This is how you have been feeling.)
The Hermit 9
The Hermit 9
The Hermit 9 → If you are just coming out of a relationship, you will need solace for a while to process out the toxicity. This card doesn’t predict a relationship, only that a light bulb will come on that will lead to one. Light at end of tunnel. Searching within. Prudence. A lonely spiritual quest. Treason. Caution. Inertia.

ENVIRONMENT: (This is how your family, friends, and/or co-workers feel about your situation.)
Nine of Cups
Nine of Cups
Nine of Cups → This is the card of contentment. If you don’t feel that way right now, you will. If you do, revel in it. THE WISH CARD. Satisfaction guaranteed.

HOPES AND FEARS: (This is the best and or worst that can happen.)
The Tower 16
The Tower 16
The Tower 16 → The rug is about to be or has been pulled out from under you. You will need to recuperate from this. A bolt from the blue. Catastrophe. Repossession. Ruin. Adversity. Calamity. Revelation.

FINAL OUTCOME: (This is what can happen if things are left to their own accord.)
Seven of Pentacles
Seven of Pentacles
Seven of Pentacles → You’ve done the internal work. Good job! Soon you will be rewarded in some manner. Perseverance. Things will come in the fullness of time.

EXTRA: (How the Final Outcome will come about or what will follow the Final Outcome.)
Ten of Swords
Ten of Swords
Ten of Swords → Some thing is coming to an end, and it won’t be pretty, but it will be over. When you are at the bottom, the only way to go is up. The bottom. The bloody end. Failure. Tears. Sadness. Illness. The worst is over.

There are 5 Major Arcana cards. This is significant. If there are three or more Major Arcana cards in a reading, that means that there is more Divine intervention in the situation. Do more allowing in this situation. Listen to your intuition. Things may appear to be meant to be.
There are 3 Pentacles cards. The more Pentacles there are in a reading, the more you will need to look at financial concerns. Yours or someone else’s money may help or control the situation.

All cards are drawn by hand and read right-side up. This reading is for enlightenment purposes only. This website is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is here with the understanding that we are not engaged in rendering legal, medical, or other professional services. If legal advice, medical advice, or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.