Reading for Mystical Messages |
SIGNIFICATOR: (This is you and/or what you have been doing.) |
Page of Wands → There is a message on the way about a new interest. Could be a person, could be an activity. Good news. Faithfulness.
ATMOSPHERE: (This is the issue.) |
Four of Swords → You need to totally remove yourself from the situation. Get away if you can. You need solitude, reflection, and prayer. Respite. Rest. Retreat. Solitude. A time of recovery.
BRIDGE OR BLOCK: (This is who or what is helping you or getting in the way.) |
The Fool 0 → A fresh start. Going forward without regard to consequences. A new and completely different adventure. The novice.
PAST: (This is what happened in the past that relates directly to your situation.) |
Eight of Swords → It may seem like you have no where to go, but that is not the case. You really bought this whole thing on yourself. You may need some help in finding a solution. Feeling trapped. Frustration. Imprisonment. Criticism. Sickness.
PRESENT: (This is what is going on now about this situation.) |
The Sun 19 → Get out there and do you, Boo Boo. Reward yourself. Celebrate yourself. You’ve been relying on others to make you happy. Stop. You’re perfectly capable of doing it yourself. Success. Fulfillment. Happiness. Joy. Rebirth. Freedom. Happy marriage.
NEAR FUTURE: (This is what is coming up soon.) |
Temperance 14 → Sometimes this is the most dreaded card. If you feel you are doing everything right, and not seeing results, it’s because you are suppose to be patient at this point. It’s as if your next partner is still “baking“ and not ready to come out of the oven yet. Moderation. Tolerant. Management. Economy. Spirit transcending matter. Wise counsel.
FUTURE: (This is what is coming up a little further in the future.) |
Queen of Wands → This person is concerned about your outside activities. Like Mother Nature, she wants you to take care of Earth matters and find someone who wants to care for the Earth, too. An astute woman with a good business sense. Good balance of family and career.
YOU NOW: (This how you have been feeling.) |
Three of Wands → You’ve done enough internal work that an opportunity that wouldn’t have noticed before will present itself. Birth of an enterprise. Planned travel. Commerce. Established strength.
ENVIRONMENT: (This is how your family, friends, and/or co-workers feel about your situation.) |
Seven of Cups → You’re putting too many things on your plate. Focus on a few key things and see if that doesn’t help the situation. Daydreams. Confusion. Distractions. Scattered Energies.
HOPES AND FEARS: (This is the best and or worst that can happen.) |
The Lovers 6 → Love is on the way and may involve some choices that were not anticipated. Love may already be here, and it’s with someone you aren’t considering. Choice. Sharing. Love. Sexual union. Beauty. Emotional success. Trials overcome.
FINAL OUTCOME: (This is what can happen if things are left to their own accord.) |
The Tower 16 → The rug is about to be or has been pulled out from under you. You will need to recuperate from this. A bolt from the blue. Catastrophe. Repossession. Ruin. Adversity. Calamity. The rug pulled out.
EXTRA: (How the Final Outcome will come about or what will follow the Final Outcome.) |
The Devil 15 → I don’t know what they are saying to your face, but they are jealous behind your back. Be careful with what you tell who. Pull in your trust for the time being. Bondage. Self-imposed limitations. Anger. Jealousy. Violence. Greed. Deceit. Instinct. Sexual passion.
There are 6 Major Arcana cards. The more there are, the less control the person has over their situation. The situation tends to be a more fated event. This reading was created on: Monday, April 27, 2020 |