SIGNIFICATOR: (This is you and/or what you have been doing.)
Eight of Pentacles
Eight of Pentacles → Find an example of a relationship that you would like to be in. You will see that it takes work and practice. Practice working at that and you will have that. The work card. Success achieved by hard work. Skills in craft and business. Job improvements.
ATMOSPHERE: (This is the issue.)
Four of Wands
Four of Wands → It’s OK to celebrate. Stop waiting for the other shoe to drop because there isn’t another shoe. This is the real deal. Haven of refuge. Celebration. Country life. Socializing. Prosperity. Peace and concord.
BRIDGE OR BLOCK: (This is who or what is helping you or getting in the way.)
Knight of Wands
Knight of Wands → This is a restless, energetic person who mindlessly says stupid things sometimes. It could be a fun ride just don’t take them personally. Change of residence. Enterprising young person. Creative energy.
PAST: (This is what happened in the past that relates directly to your situation.)
King of Cups
King of Cups → Your welfare is this person’s primary concern. They can be trusted, but they will always advise you to take the safest route like a father would. Compassion. Wise counsel. Sensitive and creative fatherly man.
PRESENT: (This is what is going on now about this situation.)
Transformation 13
Transformation 13 → If you are in a relationship, it’s probably over. (It’s over. I’m just being nice.) If you are not in a relationship, you will make drastic changes that will summon a mate. This is the death of old ways. Major transformation. Events beyond your control. Ending corruption. A new but difficult start. Inevitable major changes.
NEAR FUTURE: (This is what is coming up soon.)
The Sun 19
The Sun 19 → Get out there and do you, Boo Boo. Reward yourself. Celebrate yourself. You’ve been relying on others to make you happy. Stop. You’re perfectly capable of doing it yourself. Success. Fulfillment. Happiness. Joy. Rebirth. Freedom. Happy marriage.
FUTURE: (This is what is coming up a little further in the future.)
Seven of Pentacles
Seven of Pentacles → You’ve done the internal work. Good job! Soon you will be rewarded in some manner. Soon. Perseverance. Things will come in the fullness of time.
YOU NOW: (This how you have been feeling.)
Ten of Wands
Ten of Wands → This could be too much of a good thing. You’ve been carrying around a burden, and you need to let go of it. It could end up making you ill. The burdens of success. Oppression. A burden that’s hard to carry. Overwork. Emotional pressure. Unpleasant news.
ENVIRONMENT: (This is how your family, friends, and/or co-workers feel about your situation.)
Nine of Swords
Nine of Swords → You are at a very low point right now. You need time to heal. Nightmares. Despair. Worry. Neurosis. Bad dreams. Pressing problems.
HOPES AND FEARS: (This is the best and or worst that can happen.)
The World 21
The World 21 → If your relationship is ending, it’s in a very good way. If you are going into a relationship, it’s in a very AT LAST way. Reaching a natural conclusion. Successful completion. Shared success. Recognition. Long-distance travel. Harmony.
FINAL OUTCOME: (This is what can happen if things are left to their own accord.)
The Fool 0
The Fool 0 → A fresh start. Going forward without regard to consequences. A new and completely different adventure. The novice.
EXTRA: (How the Final Outcome will come about or what will follow the Final Outcome.)
Page of Pentacles
Page of Pentacles → A messenger about a new job, activity, or money coming your way. Small financial gain. An ambitious young person. Success in study and career. Management skills. Materialist.
There are 4 Major Arcana cards. The more there are, the less control the person has over their situation. The situation tends to be a more fated event.
There are 3 Wands cards. The more there are, the more energy will control the situation.
There are 3 Pentacles cards. The more there are, the more money will control the situation.
There are several cards that indicate travel.