Game of 32 Fortunes
I found this fortune telling game in an antique store many years ago called GONG HEE FOT CHOY (Greeting of Riches). It consisted of a game board of 32 houses and a book of instructions with fortunes. The querent (person asking the question) gets a pack of ordinary playing cards, removes the sixes, the fives, the fours, the threes, the twos, and the joker, and thus creates a deck of 32 cards. This deck is shuffled and one card is dealt for each of the 32 houses on the board.
In the Game of 32 Fortunes, a ♥ represents love, emotion, and friendship; anything of a personal nature. A ♦ represents fortune, riches, and wealth. A ♣ represents luck, wisdom, business, and growth. A ♠ represents labor, transformation, and unpleasant things. Therefore, there are three suits that help go with the flow, and one suit that goes against the flow.
This game so intrigued me that I was inspired to create a program that would emulate the shuffle and dealing of the cards then display the houses and fortunes without having to look each one up in the book. I am calling this Game of 32 Fortunes. When you are ready to play, click the Game of 32 Fortunes button. You will be guided to your 32 fortunes. Read through your fortunes and bookmark your fortune page for reference. Over the next week or so, see how the fortunes guide you. Some fortunes you may not understand right away. Give it a chance to percolate. There are always unseen forces working in your favor. Hint: Focus on your wish or intention, not how it will manifest.