Game of Riches
1. House of Compass (or direction)
Your card in the House of Compass is Queen of Diamonds [the card of seasons or timing].
Queen of Diamonds in the House of Compass indicates that your prayers and wishes will be granted, but it will take some time for the things you want to materialize. Be patient, and plan for this as if it were a vacation you were planning. You know it’s going to happen you just need to put everything in order and go.
Notes on the House of Compass: This is the house of distance, thought, and good vibrations. Thoughts or vibrations travel like wifi waves, and each of us has a perfect sending and receiving wifi antenna within us. This house tells you the direction from which your good vibrations will be coming, and helps you to pick up or understand, through concentration, the messages you will receive in this reading.
2. House of Wishes
Your card in the House of Wishes is Ace of Clubs [the card of the gift].
Ace of Clubs in the House of Wishes indicates that your wish pertains to or will be influenced by a gift or something given. Check the card in the House of Gifts. If a ♥ , ♦ , or ♣ is there, there is a good chance your wish will come true. If a ♠ is there, it will tell what is impeding your wish.
Notes on the House of Wishes: Check the fortune that is in the house this card represents. Example, if the 7 ♦ (the card of success) falls in the House of Wishes, check the fortune you receive in the House of Success as the fortune there may either suggest indirectly or speak clearly regarding your wish. Check also the location of the 9 ♥ (the card of your wish) as this will give you more info about how your wish will manifest. A ♠ in the House of Wishes, or in any of the houses, indicates that an opposing condition, or influence, exists. This might be caused by many things, such as jealousy, envy, or financial condition. These may impede your wish.
3. House of Success
Your card in the House of Success is Nine of Spades [the card of disappointment].
Nine of Spades in the House of Success indicates that you are or will be disappointed in your success or will meet with a set-back or a loss of some kind in financial progress. A delay indicated.
Notes on the House of Success: Success leaves clues. The card in this house will reveal to you from what direction your success will come. Check also the house and fortune of the 7 ♦ (the card of your success). This will give you additional information. The 7 ♦ is known as the millionaire’s card in the Destiny Card system. It reveals that prosperity is a mind-set and that real prosperity comes with an attitude of gratitude and appreciation.
4. House of Moon
Your card in the House of Moon is Eight of Hearts [the card of moon-love].
Eight of Hearts in the House of Moon indicates that, if you are single, your sweet♥ loves you truly. If you are married, you have the love of your mate or children or someone close to you. If you are single and you have no sweet♥ , a great love affair is imminent.
Notes on the House of Moon: There is always a mystery about a beautiful Moon, which speaks for lovers. It has much to do with our destiny through life, through those we love or love us, as well as the destiny of the world. Moon represents romance, wooing, courting, or dating as relationships tend to develop by the light of the moon. The word honeymoon may have been derived from the words “sweet” and “month” meaning the first month of a marriage is usually the sweetest.
5. House of Surprises
Your card in the House of Surprises is King of Clubs [the card of vocation, career, or job].
King of Clubs in the House of Surprises indicates that you will encounter a surprise in whatever you’re doing or from the source of your livelihood. Prepare for happy surprise.
Notes on the House of Surprises: Surprises can be good or bad depending on what they are AND how we feel about them. Never say, “I hate surprises,” as the worst kind will show up more frequently. Say, “I love it when unexpected wonderful things come into my life.” Of course, this fortune will blow the surprise, but feel free to not read this one if you prefer to be surprised.
6. House of Popularity
Your card in the House of Popularity is Ten of Hearts [the card of marriage or union].
Ten of Hearts in the House of Popularity indicates that you should become very popular through marriage, or through the organization of something like ♣ or philanthropic work; or you will work for a well known for or famous people.
Notes on the House of Popularity: You may substitute Popularity for being well-liked. We always feel better when we are surrounded by people we feel like us, whether at our jobs or in social situations, being well-liked or popular is always a bonus.
7. House of Abode
Your card in the House of Abode is Seven of Diamonds [the card of success].
Seven of Diamonds in the House of Abode indicates that your success started through your early training at home; or you will have a successful home or will succeed as a home maker or builder; or success in selling or buying a home.
Notes on the House of Abode: Our Abode is the place we call home. It may be a house, apartment, condo, basement, parent’s basement, or likewise. It is our sanctuary and place where we can truly be ourselves with no judgment. It is the place where we spend the most time. Even our business office could be an abode if we spend a lot of time there.
8. House of Journey
Your card in the House of Journey is Eight of Diamonds [the card of inheritance].
Eight of Diamonds in the House of Journey indicates that money will come to you from a distance; or in order to claim an inheritance, you will have to make a trip. If you are in business, money is sent from many places.
Notes on the House of Journey: Is your Journey a travel vacation or your path in life? We take many journeys in our lifetime. They pause and refresh or education and mature. We would not be who we are today if not for our journeys.
9. House of Papers
Your card in the House of Papers is Nine of Clubs [the card of luck].
Nine of Clubs in the House of Papers indicates that a lucky investment or a paper of some kind will affect your future; also indicates luck in a legal action; something pertaining to court.
Notes on the House of Papers: Papers in this context refer to contracts and legal papers; something that would be printed out and signed, like a lease or a will. We are seeing less and less of actual paper used like this as virtual signatures are becoming more commonplace.
10. House of Vocation
Your card in the House of Vocation is Ten of Diamonds [the card of money].
Ten of Diamonds in the House of Vocation indicates that your present or future vocation will bring you much money; also indicates banking business or a dealer in stocks and bonds or securities—where money comes through the handling of papers, or money is received and paper.
Notes on the House of Vocation: Beyond the everyday job, a Vocation refers more to a career and even more so to a calling. Ideally, we would all love to be paid while doing something we love. Spend some time each day doing something you love, answer the calling, and chances will increase that this will become a reality.
11. House of Marriage
Your card in the House of Marriage is King of Spades [the card of callers or visitors].
King of Spades in the House of Marriage indicates that A relative or friend who calls will try to break up your home; or callers will tell of their wedding plans; or by associating with certain people, you may be arrested. Be careful of the friends you make.
Notes on the House of Marriage: Some men will say that women invented Marriage for women and, indeed, that might be true, but it’s hard to deny the well-being and longevity benefits of it. A good marriage is like a fine wine—something to be savored.
12. House of Happiness
Your card in the House of Happiness is Jack of Clubs [the card of your relatives].
Jack of Clubs in the House of Happiness indicates that relatives influence your happiness; if they interfere, like a mother in law, or some sort of interfering person, get away from their influence.
Notes on the House of Happiness: What brings you Happiness? Some people don’t feel they deserve happiness, and that’s patently not true. If you want anything in your life to go better, get happy first. Find your personal happiness. That’s the key.
13. House of Enjoyment
Your card in the House of Enjoyment is Eight of Spades [the card of trouble].
Eight of Spades in the House of Enjoyment indicates that if you go out to have a good time, you will have automobile trouble, or your escort insults you (take mad money or rollerskates), or you have trouble later with someone for going.
Notes on the House of Enjoyment: Happiness and Enjoyment go hand in hand. Finding enjoyment in something you have accomplished is akin to finding pride it in, but without the ego element.
14. House of Messages
Your card in the House of Messages is Jack of Diamonds [the card of letters or messages].
Jack of Diamonds in the House of Messages indicates that a messenger or mailman will call, bringing hasty news about investments or business; hasty news of some sort.
Notes on the House of Messages: In days of yore, messages were not received as quickly, nor were they as plentiful as they are today. Although many of the methods of communication still exist: newspaper, radio, telegraph, word-of-mouth, etc. most receive messages in the palm of their hand via the internet. In the case of this house, it is important to pay attention to how the message is coming in. It may be in a way you would have dismissed before reading this fortune.
15. House of Relatives
Your card in the House of Relatives is Queen of Clubs [the card of achievement].
Queen of Clubs in the House of Relatives indicates that relatives have a great influence in your life; or your life is influenced by early home training; or you have nice relatives.
Notes on the House of Relatives: Whether we have few relatives or hundreds, they are in our lives for better or worse. We tend to give their opinions about ourselves credibility. If you feel that your relatives do not have your best interests at ♥ when they speak to you or by their actions, distance yourself from them. Always surround yourself with positive influences whether you are related to them or not.
16. House of Health
Your card in the House of Health is Nine of Hearts [the card of your wish].
Nine of Hearts in the House of Well-Being indicates that if you wished for well-being, you shall have it; also indicates you shall be a fit person; a long life is possible.
Notes on the House of Health: The fortune in the House of Well-Being speaks to the desire for energy and wholeness. It is for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose any illness, disease, or ailment. Please consult and partner with your healthcare professional for any health issues or concerns.
17. House of Money
Your card in the House of Money is Eight of Clubs [the card of achievement].
Eight of Clubs in the House of Money indicates that through some achievement you will make a large sum of money. Business and money are indicated—and work.
Notes on the House of Money: The subject of Money has many facets. Concentrate less on money and more on the good that money can create.
18. House of Seasons
Your card in the House of Seasons is Ace of Diamonds [the card of a new undertaking, project, or job].
Ace of Diamonds in the House of Seasons indicates that if you recently started in some new enterprise or undertaking of some kind, be patient. It will take some time for develop; or within three months something new is in store for you.
Notes on the House of Seasons: The House of Seasons represents time. This house has the Queen of Diamonds for its spiritual representative. Check the house where she resides for more information on this fortune. A season covers a period of three months.
19. House of Friends
Your card in the House of Friends is King of Hearts [the card of enjoyment].
King of Hearts in the House of Friends indicates that if your friends want real enjoyment they call on you or take you with them; also, a kindly person will see that you enjoy some place of amusement.
Notes on the House of Friends: Your card in the House of Friends will you give you information on new friendships coming in or the state of current friendships. Definitions of friendships vary from person to person, but if you can tell your friend you had 32 fortunes told on this website, then that is a true friend indeed.
20. House of Gifts
Your card in the House of Gifts is Ten of Spades [the card of the sun].
Ten of Spades in the House of Gifts indicates that you will receive a gift that has long been delayed; or an investment in oil or mining that turns out well.
Notes on the House of Gifts: The card in the House of Gifts will indicate whether or not you will receive a gift and from what direction it will come. This will put you in a state of anticipation which will allow the gift to come. Remember this state of mind and how you are feeling. Try to recreate it on other days and at other times. Use your powers of anticipation to create more gifts in your life.
21. House of Letters
Your card in the House of Letters is Seven of Spades [the card of well-being].
Seven of Spades in the House of Letters indicates that you will receive a letter telling you about someone’s health or inquiring about your own. This letter is important in some way; or a diet list received in the mail—or health magazine.
Notes on the House of Letters: In these days of instant communications, the thought of a letter or an email or a text may not seem very special or extraordinary. Therefore, when contemplating the fortune of this house, focus on receiving a message or letter that is out of the ordinary. If there is a ♥ , ♦ , or ♣ it is most likely good news. If it is a ♠ , you may be forewarned of disappointing news. Always be careful when responding to a letter, email, or text, as sometimes the best response is none at all.
22. House of Trouble
Your card in the House of Trouble is Nine of Diamonds [the card of surprises].
Nine of Diamonds in the House of Trouble indicates that you will be surprised by being blamed for doing something you did not do; or some trouble that you hear of; or an obstacle to surmount.
Notes on the House of Trouble: The card in the House of Trouble will indicate where you may expect to see some negative energy. It can be said that we create our own negative energy when we worry or fret. In all cases relaxing and a few deep breaths will change this vibration.
23. House of Disappointment
Your card in the House of Disappointment is Ace of Hearts [the card of your home].
Ace of Hearts in the House of Disappointment indicates that you have lost a home; or a loss of some kind that is in the home; or you dislike the place in which you live. Be careful and guard this loss. It can be avoided if a loss has not taken place.
Notes on the House of Disappointment: Disappointment is a child of expectations. In all your doings, go at it with no expectations or demands on the outcome. Then there will be no disappointment.
24. House of Transformation
Your card in the House of Transformation is King of Diamonds [the card of legal papers].
King of Diamonds in the House of Transformation indicates that you will hear of the passing of someone very prominent; or arrangements will be made about a passing and papers will be handled by you. Also indicates the passing of a very prominent professional man; or you will release something to another by signing a paper.
Notes on the House of Transformation: The card in this house speaks about your transformation that occurs through the possible passing of someone or perhaps an animal you may or may not know. This may come about because of an inheritance, a change in job, or a change in attitude.
25. House of Undertaking
Your card in the House of Undertaking is Jack of Hearts [the card of popularity].
Jack of Hearts in the House of Undertaking indicates that a new undertaking that is offered you should become popular and should prosper through the public’s demand.
Notes on the House of Undertaking: The card in the House of Undertaking indicates the direction a new project will take. It doesn’t tell you what the new undertaking will be. Follow your ♥ ‘s desire for that information.
26. House of Achievements
Your card in the House of Achievements is Seven of Hearts [the card of happiness].
Seven of Hearts in the House of Achievement indicates that happiness is in store for you by mixing business with pleasure.
Notes on the House of Achievements: If you believe, you can achieve. Your Achievement will come from your dedication and vibration. This card will help you discover some aspect of this.
27. House of Inheritance
Your card in the House of Inheritance is Queen of Hearts [the card of your friends].
Queen of Hearts in the House of Inheritance indicates that you will inherit some stocks, bonds, or personal property from a friend; or a beautiful personal gift will be received.
Notes on the House of Inheritance: An inheritance is not always money and doesn’t always come from a relative. Sometimes we are unaware of how we have touched or impacted someone until after they’ve passed.
28. House of Callers
Your card in the House of Callers is Seven of Clubs [the card of messages].
Seven of Clubs in the House of Callers indicates that you can look for callers to congratulate you; or someone will inquire about your health; plenty of phone calls and mail are in store for you; or someone calls by phone telling you they are coming to see you.
Notes on the House of Callers: Caller is an antiquated term for a visitor—someone who knocks on your door either expectedly or unexpectedly. A girl would receive her “Gentleman Caller” in the parlor room where they could have privacy, yet be chaperoned. In this fortune, a caller has a message of some kind for you.
29. House of Gratitude
Your card in the House of Gratitude is Jack of Spades [the card of compass-thoughts].
Jack of Spades in the House of Gratitude indicates that you have trusted someone you never should have; or a bill collector calls and is very rude over an unjust bill.
Notes on the House of Gratitude: The card in the House of Gratitude will show the area in your life where you will receive or show gratitude. Receive gratitude—yes. Show gratitude—yes, but also be in appreciation for both which is the higher vibration of the two.
30. House of Inquirer
Your card in the House of Inquirer is Ace of Spades [the card of transformation].
Ace of Spades in the House of Inquirer indicates that you have lost someone you love dearly; or worry over a home condition; concentrate and clear up this condition.
Notes on the House of Inquirer: The Inquirer in the House of Inquirer represents you the person who asked for this reading and the card in this house will tell you a personal fortune. You are also represented by the Queen of Clubs whether male or female. Check which house she is in for the strongest fortune.
31. House of Luck
Your card in the House of Luck is Ten of Clubs [the card of journey].
Ten of Clubs in the House of Luck indicates that you have good luck through a change of residence, employment or by a trip; a change for the better.
Notes on the House of Luck: You would be lucky to get a ♥ , ♦ , or ♣ in the House of Luck, but if a ♠ is there do not despair. Sometimes a little bad luck causes us to do something that will turn out fortunate. That is the meaning of Luck.
32. House of Sun
Your card in the House of Sun is Queen of Spades [the card of gratitude].
Queen of Spades in the House of Sun indicates that late in the evening you will discover a misplaced article, or some one will call and enlighten you on some subject. Constructive conversation.
Notes on the House of Sun: The House of Sun is the last house on the board, and is the house of concentrated thought. The Sun gives light, like the aura or invisible halo that surrounds each of us. Let the Sun shine reign down on you.
This Game of 32 Fortunes reading is for entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose any illness, disease, or ailment. Please consult and partner with your health care professional for any health issues or concerns. It is not intended to give investment or speculation advice of any kind. Please consult someone who knows what they are doing for any investment or speculation issues.